October the second will never be forgotten. To some of the people that read my blog yesterday maybe it was the first time that they ever read what happened in Mexico 35 years ago and will understand why that date will never be forgotten. October the second in an open wound on the heart of the Mexican society, and with each year that goes by without presenting to the justice the thugs responsible for all the crimes committed against the Mexican people throughout the summer of 1968 that reached its pinnacle on that October evening the wound only deepens.
The so called soft dictatorship in Mexico could get quite hard at times, like in 1968 and again in 1971, the justice system in Mexico is so corrupted that the victim suffers more than the criminal, the degree of impunity is so high that is unbearable for a lot of people to live on those conditions, and it is now evident that not even a government of a party on the opposition is willing to change the status quo, sad indeed.
Now transfer that to what is going on in the Basque Country, in a year period of time I have reported to you about the banning of a political party, the closing of a news paper, the incarceration of artists, journalists, peace activists, the banning of artistic expressions by musicians and movie makers, the attack against the freedom of speech and the freedom of assembly and most important of all against the right to self determination, the criminalizing of a language, the accusations against elementary schools as "hot beds" of terrorism just because they teach kids on our own language. Imagine having to live on those conditions only because you want to be what you are.
But no, people has to wait for tragedies like the one I presented to you yesterday, or the Holocoust, or the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, or the use of unconventional weapons on the Kurds to then do something about it, which is pretty much like applying a band aid to a severed limb when the ax that inflicted the wound could have been taken away.
I leave you with a quote by Martin Luther King:
"We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people."
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