Saturday, October 25, 2003

Madrid Issues Threats

Today atBerria.

So the Spanish regime wants to take "legal" measures after all the illegal measures against the Basques? This should be interesting. I wonder if these tugs in Madrid even know about this thing called the UN Charter, which protects the right of each people to its self determination.

Spanish Government prepared to take legal measures

It regards the proposal which the Autonomous Community Government will be approving today as a “challenge” to all Spanish people

Agencies – MADRID

The Spanish Government says it is prepared to respond to the proposal of the Government of the BAC [Basque Autonomous Community of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa] “with whatever legal and political initiatives are necessary at each moment.” In an appearance after the cabinet meeting the government spokesman, Eduardo Zaplana, read out the official declaration regarding the plan of Juan Jose Ibarretxe [the Lehendakari or President of the BAC Government] on the excuse that the codified text is scheduled to be approved today.

The declaration, however, not only regards the proposal as a “challenge” to the Spanish Government, but a “challenge” to all the Spanish people. So the Government is “demanding a response from the whole of the society and the solidarity of all Spanish people: of the economic and social bodies, of the intellectuals, of the associations and platforms promoting freedom and of the political parties based on democratic and constitutional values.” Zaplana added: “it [the plan] aims to take away the Spanish people’s status as sole holder of national sovereignty.” The Spanish Government spokesman did not specifically mention changing and beefing up the Criminal Code, but only said they were prepared to take “the necessary legal measures”. However, Jesus Caldera, the spokesman for the PSOE (Spanish Socialist Party) in the Spanish Lower House did bring up the subject and appealed for “calm” after emphasising that they were prepared to debate the matter.

Despite the fact that the day before yesterday Patxi Lopez, the secretary general of the PSE-EE (the Spanish Socialist Party’s wing in the BAC), had said that it would be a “terrible mistake” to change the Criminal Code in order to oppose Ibarretxe’s plan, Caldera’s declarations yesterday indicated quite the opposite. “We will always be prepared to enter into a debate of this kind and to give a response of this nature, but the right moment has to be found,” he pointed out. “This is because calm, prudence and an analysis beforehand are needed to implement such a serious change.”

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