Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Someone in Naugatuck in Connecticut is searching for evidence that proves that Francisco Franco was behind the bombing of Guernica.

Good luck with that search dear web surfer.

But I wonder, does this person wants to prove that Francisco Franco was behind it?

Or does this person wants to prove that Francisco Franco was not behind the attack?

Now a days you never know, there is those who claim that Francisco Franco did not side with Hitler during WWII, yet it takes a quick search to find out about the Blue Brigade, a group of Spanish "volunteers" that fought side to side with the Wermacht in the siege of Stalingrad.

One thing I can tell that person in Naugatuck is this, until today none of the Spanish Governments have apologized to the Basques for what happened that day in Gernika, unlike the German Government that finally did so a few years ago.

Then again, Germany is not proud of its Nazi past, unlike many Spaniards that continue to support Francoist policies and Franco style politicians, and continue to honor their Caudillo at the "Valle de los Caídos" every year.

I am real curious about the reason why this Connecticut person is looking for that evidence.

Just one more thing, he was.

.... ... .

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