Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Call For Peace?

Or mud slinging?

I'm telling you, this is why I will never be able to fully trust a politician.

According to Yahoo News, via AFP, the reelected Lehendakari Juan José Ibarretxe issued a call for peace:
Freshly-reelected leader of the Basque regional government Juan Jose Ibarretxe demanded armed separatist group ETA drop its violent campaign for independence and enter a political dialogue on the northern region's future.

"To reach a true dialogue, a round table between the parties, it is necessary to live without ETA violence and without urban violence," moderate nationalist Ibarretxe told parliament as he was sworn in for a third term.
So far, so good.

But then he gets into this:
Ibarretxe criticised the Socialists, judging it "contradictory that they (the Socialist government in Madrid) talk with them (Basque radicals) in private but on the other hand reproach us for counting on Batasuna's presence for this round table of discussions".
Yes, we know just how much Patxi Lopez poisoned the aftermath of the elections, but you can not call for peace while placing blame on others.

It doesn't matter that the PSOE is accusing the PP of this, or that the PP is accusing both the PNV and the PSOE of that, there is not room for even more blame game.

It is time they all start acting like grown ups.

.... ... .

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