Saturday, June 24, 2006

Baiona: Thousands March for Prisoners Rights

Thousands of Basques demonstrated their support for the rights of the political prisoners during a march that took place in Baiona.

The police operation in place at the border between Hegoalde (occupied by Spain) and Iparralde (occupied by France) demonstrated that the laws in Europe do not apply to the Basque citizenry. Maybe this time the nay-sayers will understand the Basque dream of a free and unified nation, so in the future they are not prevented from exercising their freedom of transit, their freedom of gathering and their freedom of speech, all of them trampled in an Europe with no borders.

Here you have the report by EITb:

Thousands of people defend Basque prisoners' rights

March in Bayonne


According to a French police spokesman, police controls at the French-Spanish frontier increased on Saturday due to the demonstration supporting Basque prisioners in Bayonne.

As a consequence of this measure, the demonstration organized by a group called Ibaeta Forum, started later than it was supposed to start and twelve buses were unable to cross the frontier.

According to the organizers, 3,500 people took part in the march of Bayonne where Basque prisioners' right have been demanded.

In the communiqué read at the end of the demonstration, the Ibaeta Forum reminded French Government "France is also part of the conflict" as one out of four Basque prisioners are in French prisions.

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