Wednesday, July 21, 2004

To Every Action...

...There is a reaction.

The Spanish Ambassador to Mexico lied, plain and simple.

She lied because the persecution and repression of Basques is institutional, they all play ball as long as the result is to destroy the lives of as many Basques as they can.

A recap here:

On July 17 2003 the Spanish Inquisitor Baltasar Garzon met with Mexican President Vicente Fox, they told the Mexican public that the reason for their meeting was to talk about the abduction and murder of hundreds of women and girls in Ciudad Juarez. Garzon was also looking for support for his nomination to the Peace Nobel Prize.

On July 18 2003 Mexican police officers and Spanish agents in disguise arrested five Basques and four Mexicans (one of Basque background) on an operation code named "Donosti" in four different states in Mexico, also one Basque was arrested in Euskal Herria, the father of the Mexican citizen of Basque background.

On July 24 2003 the Spanish Inquisitor Baltasar Garzon sent the extradition demand paperwork to the Spanish Ambassador in Mexico asking for the arrest of the nine people accused of running a money laundering operation in Mexico, that is six days AFTER the nine were arrested.

Eventually, the three Mexican citizens were released from house arrest for lack of evidence, there was no crime to accuse them of, yet, the five Basques and the Mexican of Basque background remained jailed accused of the same crime, the one that couldn't be proved, reason why the Mexicans walked.

And was just for starters, since then the extradition process has been plagued with violations and irregularities, from the hands of corrupt Mexican officials that seem to be taking their cues from the one that promised to change the way things are done in Mexico, President Vicente Fox.

The cherry on top? Spanish Ambassador Cristina Barrios Almanzor decides to lie about the whole thing and claims that she received the note to request the arrest and extradition of the nine PRIOR to the day of the arrests.

Not to be out done, the Mexican Foreign Ministry calls the accused by the title of "etarras", meaning that pending trial and stomping on the assumption of innocence until proven guilty they also take their cues from Baltasar Garzon and Vicente Fox.

The reaction?

Thanks to the blatant displays of disregard for international law and Mexican Constitution, both the PRD and the PRI, the main opposition parties in Mexico have demanded fort he whole extradition process to be studied and analyzed for possible infractions. And if it is true that the Spanish Ambassador lied they suggest that some diplomatic action most take place.

When you play with fire...

If the Kroc Institute wishes to honor Baltasar Garzon, they should give him a job as a Ronald McDonald at some unit in Madrid, like the Sup Marcos said, Garzon is no judge, Garzon is an authentic and sinister clown.

.... ... .

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