Friday, July 23, 2004

You Can Buy Those?

Jose Maria Aznar, the fascist and totalitarian former Prime Minister of Spain, the one that lied to the entire world about the real authors of the terrorist attacks in Madrid for his own political benefit, endangering the international community efforts to curb such attacks, used tax money to buy a medal from the US government.

You would expect that such honors would be bestowed to positive figures in the international arena, but if a brutal pocket dictator can pay 2 million dollars for one of them, well, that speaks volumes of those who decide who should be awarded with one of those medals.

Let us remember that once before, Aznar, the heir to the Francoist regime, a regime that allied itself with Hitler and that deployed a sizeable number of troops in the Basque Country to hunt down Allied pilots, Jewish people and Basque freedom fighters once was honored by a Jewish organization that called him the best statician of the year.

Wonder how much he paid them. How much does it cost to forget the crimes commited against the Jewish community in Europe during the Nazi period?

Here is a note about
Aznar shopping for medals at Berria:

Aznar used taxpayers’ money to secure medal in United States

He paid lobbyists to promote his image in order to get the Congressional medal

Agencies – MADRID

The Spanish Ser radio station revealed yesterday that while in power the former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar engaged an American firm of lawyers who act as lobbyists to promote his image and collect signatures to enable him to get the Congressional Gold Medal. The contract was signed in secret and was paid for with Foreign Ministry funds.

The news has sparked off widespread criticism. In accordance with the terms of the contract signed with the Piper Rudnick firm of lawyers, the Spanish Ambassador to the United States Javier Ruperez paid 700,000 dollars at the beginning of the year and had undertaken to pay other sums during the following months until the figure of two million dollars had been reached. According to the document, the contract would be broken if Aznar lost the Spanish General Elections last March.

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