Friday, December 02, 2005

Euskararen Nazioarteko Eguna

The newly created EuskoSare is working hard to advance the use of Euskera, the Basque language.
They have called for December 3rd to become Euskera Day.
Here you have the information:

In support of Euskara, this initiative is a campaign open to all that will conclude on December 3rd when International Euskara Day will be celebrated. Using EuskoSare, Eusko Ikaskuntza proposes a series of actions to help spread the message to the entire world in support of the Basque language.

On December 3rd, International Euskara Day (Euskararen Nazioarteko Eguna) will be celebrated in many different parts of the world. This celebration was created by Eusko Ikaskuntza-Society of Basque Studies in 1948 and held its first celebration in 1949 with ceremonies held in cities from all parts of the world. Since then and with the addition of entities, institutions, and Basque organizations from different countries, the celebration has become more powerful each time.

After this 2005 edition, Eusko Ikaskuntza proposes to actively use today's modern technology. That is why EuskoSare will be the tool for promoting the Basque language. In order achieve that, there is a separate section dedicated within this site:

You can participate in this celebration by one of the following ways:

Show your support for Euskara by means of brief text messaging.

Participate on December 3rd: Global Campaign of Text Messaging via cell phones and email with the slogan "Get hooked on Euskara!"

May the message in support of the Basque language reach millions of people that day!
The author of this blog joins this campaign.
Let Euskera grow strong!

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