Saturday, December 31, 2005

Interesting Take on the Cava Issue

The post "No Corks Popping for Cataluña" at blog Back Seat Drivers is quite an interesting read.
Here you have a portion of it regarding the issue of the boycott against the Catalonyan Cava by disgruntled Spaniards:
Around this time last year I mentioned the boycott on cava, the sparkling wine produced mainly in Catalonia. The boycott is on again this Christmas and, while last year it was seen with amusement by many Spaniards and the Spanish media, this time around people seem to be taking it far more seriously. The catalyst is the current campaign for a new statute of autonomy for Catalonia, something which has gone from a proposal last year to a very real possibility this year. This has prompted many Spaniards to vent their ire by boycotting one of the products most associated with Catalonia.
Check it out.
Hopefully 2006 will make some Basque and Catalonyan dreams come true. With boycott to Cava and Txakoli if you want, no big deal.
Update: More on the Cava issue at post Sparkling Spain published by A Fistful of Euros.
I particularly liked this part:
Of course the real hurdle to cross in establishing a tri-national Spain is not the identity of the Catalans or the Basques. The real issue, IMHO, is that it is the Spanish themselves who need to define their identity.

.... ... .


  1. Hiya Alekxu,

    Estoy aprendiendo vasco, y te preguntas PERO por?? Pues porque me apetece vivir allí, leer algunos de mis escritores favoritos en su lengua materna en fin, y en otras épocas por razones sentimentales pero ya no. Un beso.

  2. All the best for a wonderful New Year.
    I'm hoping to learn some of your language here :o)
    ~ aria :o)
