Friday, May 19, 2006

Colin, the American Falangista Basque-Phobe

I thought he was gone for good.

My mistake, he was just taking a break.

In the past, I have been amiable to Colin Davis, an American blogging from Galiza.

But if there is something unacceptable is just how easily some US bloggers side with repressive states.

This is what he wrote in his returning post:

The other bit of really bad news was that ETA finally came out of the long grass and said, in effect, that territorial expansion of the Basque Country certainly was a precondition of their ‘permanent’ ceasefire. A familiar fraud, this one.

Meaning, Mr. Davies in all his ignorance, product of his faulty education in the United States of America, really thinks that the Basque Country comprehends only the three provinces that today are part of the Basque Autonomous Community.

Just how ignorant can he be about the history of the Basque people?

Even US based historians agree that there is seven Basque provinces, and that through history, Navarre has been the one political entitity that the Basques called home for hundreds of years. Well, today Navarre is not part of the Basque Autonomous Community, in part due to the actions of the dictator Francisco Franco.

So, when Colin Davies and other US citizens deny that Navarre is the Basque Country, what they are doing is spousing the point of view of a fascist totalitarian and genocidal maniac that was ushered to power by Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

So, before he deletes my comment to his idiotic Basque-phobe post, I reproduce it here:

Territorial expantion of the Basque Country?

Are they asking for Gascony or La Rioja to be added to Euskal Herria?

I don't think so.

It is amazing how Americans understand so little about freedom, democracy and self determination.

And before you get on your high horse on how ETA finally came out of the long grass remember, the USA is a terrorist state currently murdering dozens of thousands of people over oil profits.

Just one final thought, the United States of America is the largest terrorist organization in the world, let us remember how they brought death and misery to the Phillipines, Hawaii, Cuba, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Grenada, Colombia, Chile, Afghanistan, Irak, Palestine, Viet Nam and Cambodia, to name a few. Also, they have their fair share of home grown terrorist groups, the most famous of all of them, the Ku Kux Klan.

So, I would say, US citizens are the last on the list when it comes to blaming anyone for using violence to reach a goal.

.... ... .

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