Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Another One From Garzón

The clown judge continues to do his dirty work in favor of Madrid's colonialist minded policy towards Euskal Herria.

For Garzón if you are Basque and you agree with the concept that every people has the basic right to its self determination then you're a terrorist. Nevermind that Garzón has never jailed a single member of the Francoist regime.

Garzón can care less about concepts like justice and human rights, he is an old school Spaniard who still gets a tingle in his groins knowing that although a sidekick show in the international stage Spain is still strong enough to deprive Basques, Catalans and Galizans from their right to be independent. What you will read in this note will show you how Garzón and a few other Spanish judges are willing to bend the law in order to continue the repression of the Basque people.

Here it is:

The Associated Press
Published: September 11, 2007

Madrid, Spain: Spain's National Court anti-terror specialist judge Baltasar Garzon on Tuesday ordered a suspected Basque separatist jailed for allegedly belonging to a terrorist organization.

In a statement published by the court, Garzon said Juan Mari Olano would be jailed pending prosecution for belonging to the Basque separatist group ETA and inciting sabotage and public disorder.

Olano was one of nine demonstrators arrested in the Basque city of San Sebastian on Sunday during violent clashes with riot police. Olano and scores of protesters had tried to hold what was deemed an illegal rally in support of ETA prisoners.

In a separate case, the court condemned Jose Maria Arregi Erostarbe to 26 years, eight months in prison for the attempted murder of a world's fair official in 1990.

The court found that a parcel bomb mailed by Arregi Erostarbe to Manuel Olivencia, an official of Expo-92 world's fair in Seville, had exploded and injured two fair workers.


But hear me here, Garzón couldn't get away with this if it was not for the silent complicity of the international community.

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