Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Belgian Issue

There is a lot of politicians that would like to think that nations can not evolve and that such evolution can very well lead to a process in which the borders need to be reshaped. More so, this can not happen in Europe. How could it?

Well, how about this, it was published yesterday by the BBC:


"There's no Belgian language. There's no Belgian nation. There's no Belgian anything," according to Filip Dewinter of the extreme Flemish nationalist party, Vlaams Belang.

Not everyone in Belgium supports his party, but recent polls suggest there is alot of support for an independent Flanders, the larger, wealthier Dutch-speaking part of Belgium. Belgium has just over 10 million people, and 11 local parties in parliament. There is no single national politician or national identity between Flanders and French-speaking Wallonia. The Economist magazine recently said it's time to abolish Belgium, calling it "a freak of nature". What other countries would you break up? Is it time to say 'au revoir' Canada? Dis-unite the United Kingdom? Since Czechoslovakia managed a "velvet divorce," why not end the vows of Spain's Catalans, Basques, Galicians and Castilians?

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  1. "Dis-unite the United Kingdom?"

    Yes please! One day, hopefully in my lifetime
