Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sarkosy's Imprint

George W. Bush has been giddily happy ever since French extreme rightist Nicolas Sarkozy became Prime Minister. Without Tony Blair and José Aznar Bush was feeling kind of lonely as the world's top human right violator.

But then Sarkozy visited him and they came up with an strategy to ensure that France is never again an obstacle to Bush's whims.

What you are about to read is a token of Bush's appreciation nicely packaged by CNN and Time Magazine. Read on:

A Terrorist "Second Front" in France?


Monday, Sep. 24, 2007

Monday's arrest of 13 Basque nationalists suspected in a 2006 French hotel bombing is a reminder that European security services continue to view violent Basque separatists as potentially as dangerous as al-Qaeda. That doesn't mean there's anything to speculation in European media of any cooperative links between the Islamists and the separatists. Counter-terrorism officials tell TIME, however, that they have recently noticed parallels in the profiles of recruits now joining both movements.

"They both involve the embrace of a radical ideology affirming an identity they feel their parents abandoned in favor of integration," a French security official — referring simultaneously to the European children of North African immigrants who embrace radical Islam and to many French-born Basque youths whose parents had long since abandoned the struggle for independence from their native Franco-era Spain. "It offers the passion and righteousness of an identity and struggle they think society forced their parents to give up as the cost of living in France."

While the phenomenon is well documented among Muslim immigrants, a small but growing number of alienated young French people of Basque origin don't share their parents' Spanish nationality but don't feel French, either. Some are beginning to identify as Basque, with a nationalist passion that inspires them to reach out to separatists on Spain's side of Euskal Herria, as they call the Basque country. That nascent cross-border youth movement is a potential long-term terror threat, says the security official.

What makes the Basque case different from that of alienated Muslim immigrant youth is that while the latter retreat into a global militant religious identity, many alienated Basque youth in France retreat into an alternative national identity. "With Basque youths feeling adrift, the question of 'Who am I, anyway?' is answered by looking at the ground below, realizing 'I am Basque, and this is my land,' and reaching out to other Basques struggling to take control of their land," the French official says. "The jihadist wants to conquer the world for Islam; the Basque nationalist wants to conquer his backyard. But both are ready to use violence to attain their goals."

New signs of radicalism among younger French Basques follows an extended period largely free of the nationalist violence that continues to plague the Spanish side of the border. Many of those living in France recognized the futility of a violent independence struggle, and its negative consequences on the local economy. But the calmer, violence-averse atmosphere in France allowed ETA, the Spanish Basque separatist group, to conduct logistical work, procuring materials, and occasionally preparing attacks to be carried out in Spain.

New evidence of France's importance as a rear base for Spanish-bound terrorism came with the Sept. 2 bust of a house in southwestern France, where four ETA commandos were arrested and 350 kilos (770 pounds) of explosives seized. According to the French official, hollowed-out water heaters had been filled with explosives for use in car bombs in Spain.

Although one of the men arrested, 50-year-old Luis Ignacio Iruretagoyena, is a high-profile ETA figure previously arrested in 1992 when explosives were found in his Paris apartment, his three accomplices aged between 25 and 31 suggest ETA is rejuvenating its ranks. "They're finding young people to step up and take baton in Spain," said the official. "And we're starting to see a new generation of Basque nationalist awake in France, too. A cycle is ending, and unfortunately, another cycle seems to be beginning."

French security sources also fear that ETA is starting to rely less on France as a sanctuary, in favor of increased underground activity in Portugal. Indeed, they fear that if the long-standing logic — shared by al-Qaeda — of refraining from attacking countries that are predominantly used as staging grounds, then the move to Portugal may suggest that France may be facing a stepped-up Basque terror campaign on its own soil.

ETA and al-Qaeda together a real threat to France, wow, this Bruce Crumley really knows how to put together sentences that will scare the bejeezus out of the retard US public. Is he a journalist? Far from it, really.

And if Sarkozy is smiling, somewhere obscure little Aznar is ecstatic.

~ ~ ~


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This reply is to clarify intentional confusion!!!

    There are French Basques who are not of Spanish Basque origin!!!
    So don't confuse people by saying that the French youth of Basque descent don’t share their parent’s Spanish nationality this and that!!! Because as I said before there are French Basque youths whose parents ARE NOT Spanish Basques instead their parents are French Basques and have French Nationality and their roots are from France not from Spain.

    Make it clear that the French Basques who are from France and don’t have the SPANISH ISSUES so keep us out of the MESS!!!

    The French Basques whose parents are French Basques with roots in France are in France their homeland. Spain is not the homeland of the French Basques!!!

  3. Bruce Crumley,

    Based on your misleading and incorrect information that you have written about the French Basque I think you can mislead and confuse your readers and especially those readers who have never heard of the Basques!

    This is the convoluted article that you wrote, making implications, about the French Basque youths, in your article you stated, “alienated young French people of Basque origin don't share their parents' Spanish nationality but don't feel French, either. Some are beginning to identify as Basque, with a nationalist passion that inspires them to reach out to separatists on Spain's side of Euskal Herria, as they call the Basque country”.

    Let me break down the convoluted misleading and incorrect information that you have written about the French Basque:

    1. Alienated young French people of Basque origin don't share their parents' Spanish nationality but don't feel French, either – you have implied two things here:

    q The parents of the French Basque youths had/have Spanish nationality
    q The French Basque youth are alienated because they don’t feel Spanish like their parents but don’t feel French either since they are children of immigrants!!!

    2. Some are beginning to identify as Basque, with a nationalist passion that inspires them to reach out to separatists on Spain's side of Euskal Herria, as they call the Basque country” You have implied here

    q The French Basque youths are identifying themselves as Basques because they feel alienated for been the children of Spanish immigrants to France
    q The French Basque youths are reaching out for help from the separatists Basques in Euskal Herria as they call the Basque Country

    Let me correct your mess of misinformation with the following reasons:

    1. The French Basque youths don’t feel alienated in their homeland the Pays Basque which is in France for the following reasons:

    q They have French nationality
    q They have French Basque origin
    q The French Basque youths are called French Basque because they have/had parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and so forth that have lived in France before the stone age, Celts, Romans and any latter invader/new comer to the country called France

    2. The French Basque young, middle age and old have always proudly identify themselves as Basque or French Basque for the following reasons

    q They are of Basque ethnicity
    q They are French Basque because they and their ancestors are/were from the Basque Country/ Pay Basque in France
    q The French Basque don’t want to be entangled in any geopolitical intrigue(s) or mess

    The way you mention that the French Basque youth call Spain’s side of Euskal Herria or the Basque Country is unclear and somewhat incorrect.

    Pays Basque is the name of the three French Basque Provinces of Labourd, Basse Navarre and Soule

    Pais Vasco/Euskadi is the name for the three autonomous Spanish Basque provinces of Viscaya, Guipuzcoa and Alava

    Euskal Herria is the Basque term for the historically and culturally Basque territory, which includes Euskadi (Spain), Navarra (Spain) and the Pays Basque in France

    Note that Navarra was taken away from Euskal Herria

    Throghtout history many have attempted the old tactics of “Divide et Impera” better known as Divide and Conquer or Divide and Rule against the Basques!
