Wednesday, April 17, 2002

No Peace on Sight

Going against many treaties and conventions, and in total disregard to the US peace efforts, Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is now an all out rogue fascist and colonialist war monger. While in the Netherlands the whole goverment crumbles under the weight of the guilt for doing little or nothing to stop the massacre of muslim bosnians in the UN haven of Srebrenica at the hands of the Serbian Bosnian army where 8,000 men and boys were murdered, in Palestine, a country illegaly invaded and colonized by Israel, Israeli forces are destroying the whole infraestructure of an already empoverished land.

But they show no signs of remorse, why? Because they think that what Hitler did to them allows them to do whatever they want. And God forbid that you decide to side with the Palestinians, or not even side with the Palestinians, is enough if you to show simpathy towards the Palestinians, for the Jews and Israelis to call you anti-Semitic.

Well, I got news for them, the Palestinians are also a semitic people that speaks a semitic language, and therefore, if I say that I am concerned over the well being of inocent civilians in Palestine, I DO NOT become an anti-Semitic, since I am showing concern over the well being of a semitic group of people, the Palestinians.

They should stop and reconsider on what Hitler did to them, they got a country because people around the world thought it was necessary to provide them with their own land so things like that wouldn't happen again (beats me why people around the world does not use the same criteria when it comes to the Basques, who were also attacked by Hitler and fought him and the Nazi Army from 1936 up to 1945), so it is sad to see that today, the Israeli Army is doing exactly the same in Palestine, and the Jews are the ones that go around saying "Never Again".

Do they mean never again as in never again or as in never again to them?

They (the Israelis) are abusing their military power, they are colonizing a land that is not theirs and going against UN resolutions by doing so, they are also stomping on the Geneva treaty of which they are co-signers since it says that an occupying power can not displace its own civilian population into the occupied country. The Israelis have illegally taken over 59% of what the press likes to call the West Bank but that actually is Palestine.

And do not, I repeat, DO NOT give me the "God gave them that land", because every single deity in every single mithology has given "that land" to every single human group.

I know that the Arab nations around them have harbored terrorists and attempted over running Israel three times, but from the very moment the Jews decided to "buy" half of Palestine from England, they knew the Arab nations were going to do everything they could to expell them from that land. The Arab nations in that area are not my favorite cup of tea, trust me, I know that they are a bunch of pitiful dictators that have no regards for their people or for peace and democracy. On top, a very sick religious extremism engulfes the area, the educational systems are backward, and there is almost non existent democratic institutions.

I don't forsee peace coming to the area any time soon, not as long as ruthless "leaders" like Ariel Sharon and Saddam Hussein decide to forget about their own people in order to win their pathetic piss contest.

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