Thursday, August 01, 2002

English Mercenaries in Spain

So get this one, Aznar is so willing to use the situation created in the aftermath that there is reports he allowed English mercenaries to hunt down IRA and ETA members in Spain (and we guess in Euskal Herria, Catalunya and Galiza too).

Of course, Tony Blair couldn't say no to this opportunity to show the international community his "compromise" with the "war on terror", an euphemism being used these days to refer to the loss of locks in different countries that were there to protect the human rights and the civil liberties of their citizens.

Here you have the article published at The Telegraph:
British unit in Spain to track Eta and IRA

By Isambard Wilkinson in Madrid

Last Updated: 11:15PM BST 31 Jul 2002

A highly secret British military unit is operating on Spanish territory gathering intelligence on links between the IRA and Eta, the Basque separatist organisation.

The Telegraph has learned that a special task force including serving and former members of 14 Intelligence Company, a unit closely linked to the SAS, has been on the ground for some time, apparently with Spanish government approval.

According to a military intelligence official, the use of 14 Int was "highly unusual as intelligence work there would normally be carried out by other branches [of the intelligence services]".

The deployment of British troops in operations on the territory of a major European state is likely to have been agreed at the highest level. The intelligence official described it as "highly sensitive".

One intelligence expert expressed surprise at the use of the unit.

"It is a bizarre notion that 14 Int are in Spain operationally," he said, suggesting that MI5 would normally be expected to cover operations connected to the IRA.

In normal circumstances, the unit would monitor terrorist movements on British territory then hand over to Spain's intelligence service if the need arose.

But Spain has been making increasingly vociferous demands for foreign help to crush Eta. Since September 11, Jose Maria Aznar, the prime minister, has sought American and European Union aid to end the 34-year-old conflict, which has killed more than 800 people.

Britain has long supported Spanish efforts to crack down on Eta, which is known to have developed close ties with the IRA.

London is also keen to foster Spain as an ally to bolster Britain's influence within the EU. The charm offensive has resulted in wide-ranging concessions over Gibraltar.

Washington is supplying intelligence material to Spain and has sent a team of FBI agents. But the special skills of the British troops would add a new dimension to the internationalisation of the Basque conflict. The unit's expertise lies in its ability to track and listen to suspects' conversations and communications.

The men and women will be seeking details on the close ties between the IRA and Eta, as well as the exchange of terrorist expertise and even arms.

Links between nationalists in Northern Ireland and the Basque country are well-established. Gerry Adams, the Sinn Fein president, has visited the area many times to meet leaders of Batasuna, Eta's political arm.

Detectives in Northern Ireland have been reported as saying that Eta recently shipped fresh stocks of explosives to the IRA, while the republican group gave bomb-making technology to Eta.

The news of increased outside involvement comes at a difficult time for Eta. France, for years a sanctuary for Eta terrorists, has been taking tough action and Jesus Maria Lariz Iriondo, a senior Eta leader, was arrested in Uruguay yesterday.

But the use of some of Britain's elite troops in Spain is sure to bring criticism that Spanish sovereignty has been infringed.

800 casualties due to the political conflict between Euskal Herria and Spain? Obviously nobody is counting those murdered by the Spanish occupation forces with a figure up in the tens of thousands.

And why are the English so eager to comply with the Spaniards when allegedly the peace process with the IRA is going so well?

.... ... .

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