Saturday, May 10, 2003

Shame On Günther Grass and Company

As promised, I am back with my musings regarding the article published by The New York Times titled "Writers Sign Statement Denouncing Basque Nationalist Violence".

Here we go:

The NYT openly admits that adding Batasuna to the list of terrorist organizations is a reward to Aznar for his support to the war on Iraq, well, how peachy. So they are telling us that Aznar is very willing to take Spain to war just so he can ban a Basque political party which is my understanding stands accused of being ETA's political arm. Shouldn't the US State Department wait till the end of the trial to find out if Madrid is able to stablish the link between Batasuna and ETA?

If so, they may proceed, but to do it even before Madrid comes up with evidence is plain twisted. Being accused of being or doing something does not cut it, you are innocent until proven guilty, at least that is the way it is in democratic countries.

But lets analyze a little further, they are talking about Aznar's support to the war on Iraq, a war that was unleashed by George W. Bush and Tony Blair over some empty accusations when the truth was there for everyone to see, it is a war to improve the oil and gas profits of those close to Bush and Cheney. That my friends is true terrorism.

Now, lets talk anbout Fernando Savater (I wonder if he is still licking the wounds that the Sup Marcos inflicted on him).

He says that the important part is that it shows that the anti-nationalists groups are finally being heard, what a joke!

The so called anti-nationalist (I thought they were supposed to be pro-peace anti-ETA groups) have all the support of the media they can get and their stance is protected by Madrid's policies. When have you seen the Ertzaintza breaking up a "Basta Ya" demonstration?

What is he talking about when he says that they are finally being heard?

Second, just as him and a few other clowns and mislead honest and nice people from all over the world signed a letter against ETA (not against Basque nationalism as him and the article want to say) there was artists and intellectuals from all over the world signing letters in defense of Egunkaria. Savater's memory is short I guess.

On top of it, he is such a moron that he thinks that "internationalizing" the Basque issue is something positive to the Madrid/Aznar goals, poor idiot, one of the reasons why Spain has
been so successful at violating human rights violations in Euskal Herria is because the international community things of it as Spain's internal problem, if it really goes international then Spain including Savater will be exposed as the fascist pigs they are.

And Günther Grass? A German pronouncing himself against the right of the Basque people to their self determination?

Has he forgotten the 1,600 innocent Basque civilians, mostly women and children, murdered on cold blood by the German Luftwaffe in the town if Gernika?

And Nadine Gordimer, is she unable to figure out that what Spain is doing to the Basques is just as criminal as what the Apartheid did to the black population of South Africa?

They talk about the Holocaust, my guess is that they do not know that Aznar is the son of a Franco regime minister and that the Partido Popular is conformed by former Francoist ministers. Do they remember that under Franco, Spain was an ally of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy?

Shame on them.

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