Monday, November 22, 2004

Bastogne and Gernika

There is a quite interesting article at CNN about the city of Bastogne in Belgium and their celebration of the defeat of Nazi Germany's troops during the Battle of the Bulge.

Here is a bit something that I extracted from the article:

Around the edge of the woods, Bastogne invited other cities marked by war to plant trees of their own.

There's an oak from the Basque city of Guernica bombed by Hitler's airforce in the Spanish Civil War; an apple tree from Avranches representing the orchards inland from Normandy's D-Day beaches; a poplar from Oswiecim, the Polish city that the Germans called Auschwitz; and from Jerusalem, two Israeli and Palestinian women came together in 2002 to plant plum trees in memory of loved ones killed in the Middle East conflict.

Let us never forget on which side the Basques fought that war.

.... ... .

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