Sunday, July 10, 2005

Blogger Improves

I started blogging say... three years ago, something like that.

As some of you may know, Britt (who publishes The Journal of a Starving Artist) got me started on this whole thing.

It was a rocky start, mainly because back then Blogger had a host of glitches that made blogging a less that exciting activity.

One of my pet peeves was the project involved in posting pictures. If I wanted to post a picture like this one:

I had to movilize a miriad of resources, like building the freaking Panama Channel.

Yahoo decided not to allow image hosting and hotlinking proved to be a disaster. For a while Angelfire was the only solution but they went Yahoo's way.

Finally other servers like Hello, Flickr and Photobucket made it less of a task to post a picture here and there. But last night during the Blogger Bash II, Bill Dennis from The Peoria Pundit informed me that Blogger was now hosting its own pictures.

Now I can do this:

My niece Gabriela during the Mother's Day Festival last year.

And this:

My godson Obi during his graduation

Yes indeed, Blogger is improving, and I'm thankful for that.

Eskerrik asko Blogger!

.... ... .


  1. wow, 3 years, that's great. glad you didn't give up. great pictures :)

  2. Have you thought about making the jump to wordpress??? hint hint
