Friday, January 13, 2006

A Bit of Humor

You have to hand it to those who can see issues with humor. When someone loses its own ability to laugh at one's own antics, then is not worth it anymore.
A few months back at his blog "RSC", Pri posted something published by The Onion, a well known parody publication.
This time it is Spero News at an commentary called "2006: A retrospective " by Uri P. Dees (Euripides just in case you are not familiar with English pronunciation), here you have it:
In February Spanish Premier Rodriguez "Chapuzero" decided that the only solution to the territorial crisis that he and his government's supporters had created was to rename the whole country "Catalunya". From the beginning of 2007 the official language of "Catalunya" will be Catalan. The Capital will be Barcelona and all government ministries and offices are being relocated there.
The King of Catalunya, Joan Carles 1, will have his official residence in Mallorca. The use of Spanish, the former official language, is to be banned. Reactions in "Catalunya" were wide ranging. The Basque Nationalists demanded independence from Barcelona. The Galician autonomous government promised to defend the "Galego" language against the imperialism of Catalan.
In Madrid the majority of citizens refused to learn Catalan, although they are delighted that all anti-government protest marches and other public demonstrations will now take place elsewhere. For this reason alone Madrid also went up 17 points on the "Quality of life" scale. "Real Madrid" football club has been renamed "Leal Madrid" and the Madrid Nationalist Liberation Movement began a campaign for independence from Catalunya.
The meltdown of the country once known as "Spain" proceeded apace when, in December, "Chapuzero" was forced to resign from office for not speaking Catalan correctly.
Hope you enjoyed it.
I did.

.... ... .


  1. Aleksu,

    Gracias de verdad por tu blog. Estoy aprendiendo tanto del País Vasco gracias a ti.

    Un beso

    Ah, y echa un vistazo a mi blog de vez en cuando, no desaparezcas. Beso.

  2. Hola MariKato,

    Gracias por el comentario, y sí, ya pasaré por Betty Blue más seguido.
