Thursday, September 28, 2006

Useless Blaming Game

First, I would like for you to read this note by EITb:

The Justice minister, Juan Fernando López Aguilar, wondered why "it's possible" that a "grotesque, anachronistic and unacceptable act" was held last Saturday as three armed, hooded men spoke on the "Basque Fighter Day," and noted the Basque Government should give the explanations on that event.

"This show is within the field of the Interior Department, so Basque Government's competence. That is why it should give explanations on the events," López Aguilar said in statements for the Spanish radio station Onda Cero.

Asked about street violence events within the last few weeks, the minister admitted that those responsible for the incidents are hindering the path to peace, but he highlighted that the Government is working "hard" to reach the coveted aim.

Balza asks Aguilar to rectify

The Interior councillor of the Basque Government, Javier Balza, answered firmly to Juan Fernando López Aguilar's statements in an interview in Radio Euskadi.

According to Balza, it's "ridiculous" that the Interior Ministry requests explanations from the Basque Government when in his opinion, controlling such acts as ETA's last appearance "is everyone's responsibility."

"It was an act of pure terrorism and it's everyone's responsibility. The central Government must not slip away," he said. That is why he asked Aguilar to correct his statements and assume responsibilities.

According to the councillor, the Basque Government has been working with "absolute loyalty" to the Spanish Government in the fight against terrorism for months.

When you read notes like this one you realize why it is that it has taken so long for peace to arrive to the Basque Country.

First you have the ludicrous statement by López Aguilar regarding how hard the Madrid stablishment has worked to "reach the coveted aim".

Yes but...what exactly is the coveted aim.

What we saw from the Spanish government so far is an escalation of the repressive measures against the Basque society. More arbitrary detentions, more outlandish accusations from the likes of Garzón and Grande-Marlaska, no end to the dispersion policy and now, life terms to Basque political prisoners.

So, one could say that the "coveted aim" is to torpedo the peace process, in the end, Spain seems more at ease when destroying or suffocating a different culture.

But no, what López Aguilar means is that allegedly, the PSOE has been working towards a peaceful resolution of the Basque Country. Oh well.

But if that was not bad enough, then you have the declarations by Balza, the Basque governement official in charge of torturing Basque citizens. First he uses the "T" word as if he was taking his cues from Aznar himself. Then he claims that the Basque government has been working with "absolute loyalty" to the Spanish government.

Whoa, an official from the government that some identify as the only internationally recognized Basque political institution says that it works with "absolute loyalty" towards the occupying government. This is just sad.

One would think that the Basque government would only work with "absolute loyalty" towards the Basque people.

No wonder why torture is rampant at the Ertzaintza quarters, or why is it that the men in red-and-black are always looking for ways to use excesive force against those who participate in the different self-determination demos around the Basque Autonomous Community.

Balza, you are a shame.

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