Friday, October 05, 2007

Medieval England Sides with Medieval Spain

How would the subject to a queen would react when a king is shown in all of its anachronism?

Well, he would defend that king, what else could he do, doing the opposite would be to go against decades of indoctrination.

You don't believe me?

Read this:

Spain seeks to defuse protests over monarchy

By Leslie Crawford in Madrid
Updated: 4:11 a.m. CT Oct 4, 2007

The Spanish government and senior opposition figures on Wednesday sought to play down recent protests in Catalonia against King Juan Carlos, even as young Catalan nationalists vowed to continue campaigning for the abolition of the Bourbon monarchy and the independence of their region.

With less than six months to go before a general election in which regional issues are set to be a campaign theme, the Socialist government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, prime minister, wants to prevent disaffected nationalists in Catalonia and the Basque country from using the monarchy as a proxy for attacking the national unity of Spain.

The national unity of Spain?

That sounds a lot like the national unity of the United Kingdom doesn't it?

But that is exactly what a small pro-independence party known as Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) says it aims to do. "We are burning photos of the king to open a debate on the Spanish political system that was handed down by the fascist dictatorship," said an ERC spokesman. The party plans more protests this week.

Hey, I wonder why Leslie does not mention that Juan Carlos gained the Spanish crown thanks to Francisco Franco's personal decision since the actual king was alive and kicking and Juan Carlos was just a prince. Why does Leslie does not mention this in the article?

Well, because doing so would remind people who were the folks behind Franco's ascent to power, you know them, they went by the names of Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

After a series of incidents in which Catalan protesters have burned photos of King Juan Carlos and hurled abuse at Crown Prince Felipe, the king took the unprecedented step earlier this week of defending himself in a speech.

The parliamentary monarchy had underpinned the longest period of prosperity and stability in Spain's democratic history, he told a university audience in the northern town of Oviedo.

No dear Juan Carlos (and Leslie), monarchy and democracy are two opposite concepts, one can not be the strength of the other, this is why since 1939 the Spaniards have not known an authentic democratic government, one more reason why the Basques and the Catalonians want out, because the Spaniards seem to enjoy being subjects to either a king or a dictator.

In parliament, however, the ERC's attacks against the monarchy have continued, with the filing of more than 100 objections to the royal household's finances in the 2008 budget.

The ERC also wants to strip the monarch of his role as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, a direct rebuke to the pivotal role he played in aborting an attempted military coup in 1981, when Spain's parliamentary democracy was less than three years old.

Poor Leslie, the truth is, it is widely known today that it was Juan Carlos the one behind that alleged coup. It was a reminder to the Spaniards that the Franco thugs were still in position of power and calling the shots. The whole thing was a little set up to make Juan Carlos' weak position a little bit stronger, it showed the army was behind him and so the Spaniards understood that their so called democracy was just a fantasy.

The king went on to play a key part in modernising the armed forces, using his friendship with Ronald Reagan, the late US president, and European leaders to secure Spain's entry into Nato and the European Union. During his 32-year reign, he has survived assassination plots by both Basque separatists and fascist officers.
So, Juan Carlos owes his power to a couple of like minded morons, Adolph Hitler and Ronald Reagan. But Leslie please, fascist officers are bred to believe that Spain is One Under God and that Juan Carlos is the true ruler of Spain, your plain out lie about assassination plots against him show your true colors. The demon that yesterday was called "communism" is today called "terrorism", so all what Juan Carlos needs to do in order to continue to rule over the Spaniards is to keep track what is the phobia in vogue at Berlin or Washington.

"For Juan Carlos, to 'live like a king' has signified a high degree of dedication and sacrifice," Paul Preston, a British historian, writes in a biography of the Spanish monarch.

Dedication and sacrifice Mr. Preston? Please, I want to make a similar sacrifice, please send me 50% of the thousands of euros Juan Carlos makes for doing nothing but getting drunk and murdering endangered species.

That dedication has made King Juan Carlos hugely popular in Spain. In May, he was voted the greatest Spaniard of all time in a television poll, beating Christopher Columbus, Pablo Picasso and Miguel Cervantes, author of Don Quixote.

This paragraph comes to show just how stupid the Spaniards are. By the way, Christopher Columbus was not a Spaniard, he was Italian.

Miguel Angel Moratinos, the Spanish foreign minister, on Wednesday dismissed the portrait-burning incidents as "the antics of a tiny minority, a bunch of hooligans, that have been magnified by the media".

"The vast majority of Spaniards love and support their king," Mr Moratinos said. "These protests will only serve to reinforce the prestige of our monarch."

And Mr. Moratinos is a socialist, good lord, the Spaniards are even more screwed than I thought.

Nevertheless, the ERC's anti-monarchist campaign is an embarrassment for Mr Zapatero, because his Socialist party governs in coalition with the maverick republicans in Catalonia.

Although the ERC polled only 2.5 per cent of the national vote in the 2004 elections, the party punches above its weight because the Socialist party has sometimes needed ERC's eight deputies to form a majority in parliament.

Does that last paragraph sound familiar?

Sure, it was used by another English parrot on Madrid propaganda ministry's pay roll a few days ago, I talked about it at my post called Propaganda Games, it went like this:

Mr Imaz's party won only 1.6% of the vote in the 2004 general election. But, like the Basque country, the PNV punches above its weight.

Fellas like Leslie are so predictable in big part because they have no imagination, as shown by the usage of the same exact expression to talk about the Basque and Catalonian parties, parties that do not present electoral options in Spain. Maybe because they know that the Spaniards prefer a god given king to a democratically elected public server.

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1 comment:

  1. Great post. The argument for maintaining ANY monarchy is so weak, they resort to distorting the truth, and re-creating history.
