Friday, March 07, 2008

Basque Filmmakers in New York

This note comes to us via EITb:


Film Festival

Basque filmmakers present their works in New York


Peio Varela, David Cívico and Guillermo Sánchez are in New York to present their works at New York Independent Film and Video Festival. The Basque filmmakers will present there their works "Badaezpada" and "Txakurkalea".

New York Independent Film and Video Festival has invited Basque filmmakers Peio Varela, David Cívico and Guillermo Sánchez to present their last works there.

Peio Varela, who is from Basque regional town of Vitoria-Gasteiz will present his short film "Badaezpada" in New York. This work is based on Azorín’s "El vecino afectuoso", and it tells how a craftsman in Toledo faces the inquisition.

In Varela’s opinion, "it is an interesting work since it is based on romanticism, something which makes this work very special".

On the other hand, David Cívico and Guillermo Sánchez will present "Txakurkaleak". Dog¿s relations between them and humans create the story formed by several artists from Bilbao. The creators of "Txakurkaleak" have declared that it is something "exotic since telling a story in New York about some dogs in Bilbao has an exoticism point".

New York Independent Film and Video Festival is an important market where many producers and distributors search for films already premiered in US.

Without any doubt, a perfect place where Basque filmmakers will be able to show their works to the world.

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