Saturday, February 01, 2003

On Tragedies and Self Determination

A real shame what happened today over the Texan sky, my best wishes go to the family of the six American astronauts on board of the Columbia. To see those images on tv brought back memories of the Challenger quite a few years ago, I don't know what it is, but it feels just wrong to witness tragedies like those.

In other news, I ordered some business cards today for my trip to San Francisco in order to reach out to some more Basque Americans to join our internet group and that way gain more moral support towards the democratization and peace process in Euskal Herria. I am so excited, and the last couple of nights I have been watching a series on WorldLink TV regarding the many self determination struggles around the world. There was a show about how the Aleuts and the Hawaiians in the USA, the Maoris in New Zealand and the Seris in Mexico are fighting to regain their old ways, their culture and above everything else, their language.

If people from the mega-nations with their mega-languages could understand how important it is to keep all the other cultures alive, the struggle of those defending the little voices wouldn't be as harsh. We all have a place in the symphony, is not all violins or trombons, even that little triangle has a reason to be there.

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