Monday, April 14, 2003

The Attack of the Little Clones

The other day I went by a coffe shop to meet a friend for a little chat, soon a couple of employees joined the conversation that at the time revolved around the the Oscars. What happened next is a little disgusting and a little sad.

Both of the girls said that Tom Hanks was the greatest actor ever and mentioned the two Oscars he's been given, well, in my opinion Tom Hanks is a rather average actor that was lucky enough to get those two Oscars and then I asked them to tell me a scene with Tom Hanks that should be preserved for posterity and they both mentioned his crying in the hospital room in the movie "Philladelphia", I dismissed it saying that any actor can play a whimpy guy crying but I agreed that his job in "Forrest Gump" was quite solid.

Then I asked for one more scene and they couldn't think of one for one simple reason, there is not more memorable scenes involving Tom Hanks. We talked about other actors with more advanced acting skills and suddenly as we are discussing Tim Robbins and how he is considered one of Hollywood's more intelligent people one the Panache girls says: "And yet, he is in anti war rallies".

-What do you mean?- I asked.

-Well-She said-How can you be intelligent and oppose the war?

The other girl nodded approvingly.

-What is so intelligent about this war?- I asked

And then it happened, both of them at unison, like little robots programmed to repeat the same lines presented the reasons to go bomb innocent civilians. Iraq wants to attack the USA, Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, Saddam violates human rights, Iraq has ties to Al Quaeda.

So I threw a few questions at them.

How can Iraq, half a world away attack the US?

In that case, why the US is not attacking North Korea which has the capability of nuking Alaska and Hawaii?

If Iraq has ties to Al Quaeda, why is the US not bombing Riyadh that funds Al Quaeda instead of Baghdad?

If we worry so much about human rights violations why does the US continues to fund Israel which is obsessed with stealing the land from the Palestinians and kills innocent children and peace activists in the process?

They did not have an answer to any of these questions, I guess the anwers have not been programmed by Fox, CNN or NBC.

.... ... .

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