Friday, February 18, 2005

Guilty Pleasure II

A gift that keeps on giving.

A couple of days ago I posted a comment on an essay by Hillel Halkin from the Jerusalem Post titled "Intifada, Spanish Style".

Well, last night while surfing the Blogosphere I found out the Barcepundit's reaction to it, which was as you can expect less than welcoming. He was also short of words, this time he refrained from his long parrot-like disertations. Something rubs me the wrong way when it comes to this fella, his blog published in Spanish is by no means as venomous against the Basques as his blog in English.

Almost as if he tailors his blog in english to satisfy the neocon and fundamentalist Christian readers.

Or could it be that he knows that if he publishes that non sense in Spanish he knows that anyone that speaks that language and that is more acquainted with Spain, Euskal Herria and Catalonia can easily demolish what he is saying?

Either way, he comes across as one of the hypocrite Europeans that Mr. Halkin mentions in his essay.

Now, lets point out something very important here. Hillel Halkin is a Jewish author that lives in Israel, and he delivered this scathing indictment against Europeans in general and Spaniards in particular.

Do you remember what John Rosenthal said about the Basque right to self determination?

Do you remember how he stated that he had no knowledge of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Jewish community?

Well, John has been publishing a series of posts in which he tries to deny that the IDF murdered the Palestinian boy Mohammed Al-Durah.

Check his posts here, here, here and here.

Why would someone that does not know anything about Jewish history suddenly become a passionate apologist of an Israeli military fully engaged in murdering defenseless Palestinian children?

For more info about this chek "The Bart Simpson Defence" at Lawrence of Cyberia.

Sounds like John knew he was in trouble when I questioned him about his statement that Basque nationalism is racist. That is why he denied being Jewish, that is why it took so long to come up with a convoluted response that by the way, included Herzl quotes. You can't go more racist that Herzl.

What is a real shame is that even so called liberals and moderates lend credibility to this Anti Basque Coalition of the Willing and the Righteous**. Just check the post that the Barcepundit is linking at his English edition of his blog.

To them, the ones that are supposed to stand for truth and justice, the ones that refuse to learn from history, a kind reminder in the words of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr:

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends"

** God I hope something like this doesn't actually exist.

*For the scoop on this link I want to thank The Probligo

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  1. Hey, that Coby Lubliner that is quoted in the article - he is a Prof.of Engineering at Berkeley.
    Here is his biography:

    Rather interesting fellow. Try reading his convoluted essay on the holocaust.

  2. Q. What did the fish say when he bumped into the wall?
    A. Dam.

  3. Blex,

    Thanks for properly and correctly attibuting the source. Lawrence of Cyberia has some truly frightening posts from time to time - a most well researched blogger...
