Friday, May 06, 2005

Poisonous Politics

That is about the only way you can describe what Patxi Lopez is doing.

Here are his words according to Reuters on its article titled "Spanish Sociales Seeks to Become Basque Premier":
"I am ready to present my candidacy as lehendakari (Basque premier) out of respect for the thousands and thousands of Basque citizens who have made a firm commitment for things to be done differently," Patxi Lopez told a party meeting which endorsed his bid to become Basque leader.
This coming from a candidate that got 19 electoral votes. Which begs the question.

Just exactly in what kind of democracy someone that won 19 electoral votes feels like he has more rights that someone that won 29 electoral votes?

Only in Spain, and its "young" democracy, obviously.

Please, notice the misnomer he uses on the Spaniards that live in the BAC:
"out of respect for the thousands and thousands of Basque citizens who have made a firm commitment for things to be done differently"
Give me a break.

And then, he gets really nasty:
Lopez launched a sharp attack on moderate nationalist Juan Jose Ibarretxe, Basque premier for the last six years, accusing him of seeking to become "a kind of lehendakari for life, a lehendakari by divine right."
Divine right?

Only the idiotic followers of Fraga, Aznar and the PP believe in such things as Divine Rights.

Finally, a sobering thought by rancid Anti-Basque Reuters:
He could seek allies in the Popular Party, which won 15 seats in the election, but building a majority looks impossible without the backing of Basque nationalists or communists.
And those communists are EHAK, the party often described as Pro-Independence.


Patxi is coming across as a sore loser.

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