Monday, April 18, 2005

Patxi's Drivel

Hopefully Patxi decides to continue to spill his venom, that way Ibarretxe will think twice before trying to ask him for a deal to kick start a new coalition.

This is what the PSOE's candidate think about the outcome of the election:
"It's evident that the Ibarretxe plan lost,'' said Patxi Lopez, the leader of the Basque Socialist Party, in televised comments after the result was announced. "Those who wanted division and confrontation have instead been rewarded by the opposite, a display of centrism represented by the Socialists.''
He also stated that he will not be a vice-Lehendakari.

Granted, Ibarretxe did lose sorely needed support, he brought that upon himself. But lets be honest, most of Patxi's votes came from disenchanted PP followers.

The PP has been in such disarray since they were kicked out of power thanks to the lies told by the drones under the command of Aznar that they did not present a real political option in these elections.

But lets take a look at the numbers.

Ibarretxe has 29 seats, Patxi can count only 18.

If Ibarretxe knocks at the PSOE door and they say yes, that gives him 47 seats, but that would require for Patxi to give up his dreams of becoming a Lehendakari, because in all reality, he trails behind by 11. The PNV has the upper hand and Patxi knows it.

But lets suppose that Ibarretxe decides to close ranks with the nationalist Basque parties instead. I mean, lets just dream that Ibarretxe really wants what the Basques want.

Then he gets EHAK's 9 seats, IU's 3 seats and Aralar's 1 seat, for a total of 42. That leaves the PSOE with 18 and the PP with 15. Even if the two pro One Spain, Blessed by God and Undivided parties decide to go at it just to continue be vehicles of repression by Madrid, they would have only 33 seats, not exactly what you could call majority.

A lot of political games will be played in the next few hours.

But it is all being done peacefully, that is why the nay-sayers are not mentioning anything, nor posting pictures of pretty Basque girls waving Ikurriñas.

The nay-sayers want to stick to the version in which only violent and brute Basques want independence from Spain and France.

They can't handle the truth, just like Patxi.

.... ... .

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