Monday, April 18, 2005

Hornet's Nest

A good example of a media outlet bent on manipulating information would be Expatica, today they have a header that reads: Split Basque vote ends independence hopes.

Once you access the note you find this pearl:
Pro-independence Basque nationalists dealt a blow to plans to win greater autonomy for the troubled region from Madrid by denying the ruling moderates an absolute majority of regional assembly seats.

Their lack of understanding of the Basque conflict is so painfully blatant that they are willing to publish absolute non sense.

How can a "pro-independence Basque nationalist" party be a deterrant of greater autonomy for the Basque Community?

If anything, they will demand more than what Ibarretxe is asking for.

Ibarretxe wants coexistence, EHAK goes a step further, they talk of independence.

To anyone that understands just a little bit, the result of the election will demand more commitment from who ever is the Lehendakari to look for ways to end the conflict and secure a future for the Basques in which they can present themselves for what they are.

.... ... .

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