Friday, April 01, 2005

They Call This Democracy II

The ban to Aukera Guztiak has been upheld.

Everyone knew that, this is after all a take no prisoners campaign to deny the Basques their right to their self determination.

On what do they base the ban?

Well, lets say that one day you sent a letter of support to a Basque political prisoner.

You're banned.

Or maybe you took part of a pro self determination demonstration 15 years ago.

You're banned.

One of your family members belongs or used to belong to Batasuna.

You're banned.

The list goes on, the Spanish Police actually investigated every and each one of the 30,000 people that signed to get Aukera Guztiak to run in the elections.

I guess by now you can imagine what was the chief accusation.

This is what Berria reported:

The judges, Guillermo Jimenez, Vicente Conde, Eugeni Gay, Elisa Perez, Pascual Sala and Ramon Rodriguez-Arribas met early in the afternoon to decide whether or not to support Aukera Guztiak. The judges that make up the 2nd chamber basically had to rule on whether the Spanish Constitution and the rights of Aukera Guztiak’s members had been respected, when the Spanish Supreme Court annulled the Aukera Guztiak candidature.
And they said the ban stands. What a surprise.

.... ... .

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