Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Moron Alert

If you read this blog on a regular basis, you know by now that I have not too much love for right-wing loonies.

There is some halfwit that writes for The Miami Herald by the name of Carlos Alberto Montaner who just penned an article called The Chavez- 'Banana Left' Alliance.

It is the classic drivel, but to tell you the truth, Chavez is not exactly my favorite cup of tea, so I did not really care for what Montaner had to say, that is until I read this paragraph:

• In Mexico, the colorful Subcomandante Marcos, noted for supporting ETA's Basque terrorists and denouncing the Spanish monarchy, has gone from being an icon of the left to becoming an embarrassing fellow traveler.
I can not believe that after two years the right wing Cubans at the orders of Madrid are still trying to pin that one on the Sup.

Just a couple of weeks ago I posted something about it here at Ingeleraz.

I also have posted at Gazteleraz the original letters in Spanish by the Subcomandante Marcos and in none of them he offers a hint of support for ETA. Quite the opposite, he demands from them to stop the violence and he even offers himself as a victim if only to give the Basques a chance to negotiate a way out of the conflict.

The Subcomandante Marcos and the EZLN have repeatedly voiced their support for the Basque people, but only an idiot or someone that wants to manipulate the perception of the Basque conflict would call that support for ETA, like Fehr from Mana did.

When I read notes like the one by this Montaner character I realize how much ignorance and misconception there is about the Basques, their struggle and their right to self determination.

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  1. Whoa. In every culture and every country, there are right-wing loonies - but there are also people who can see the bullshit for what it is and step around it. Every day, the stuff just keeps on pilin' up. Wait long enough, and maybe they'll bury themselves in it (Like John Bolton). I'm always impressed and surprised by what I read here. I just thought I'd check in and see how you're doing. ttyl.

  2. Hey James, nice to see you again, keep good to your promise of posting something at your blog time to time.
