Thursday, August 04, 2005

Balrog on Euskal Herria

Over at this blog which has "an Irish Republican perspective on life" you can find a post simply titled Euskal Herria.

In it, Chris tells you about his recent experience with Basque culture...
I was lucky enough last night to have attended a Basque cultural evening in South Armagh.
... the Basque struggle...
I got speaking to a few of the lads and they gave me an update of the current situation. There are over 718 Basque political prisoners and each is facing the same struggle that Republican POW's faced, attempts to criminalise their struggle.
... and like many of us, he too hopes for a peaceful resolution.

Go check it out, there is also an excellent picture of the Ikurriña with the Zapiak Bat emblem on it.

.... ... .


  1. It seems to me that the Basques are in the same position that India was during the time of Ghandi. Britain eventually saw the error of its ways because Ghandi took the high moral ground. The violence of the IRA during roughly the same period failed because England would not turn Northern Ireland over to terrorists or their supporters.

    Spain and France will eventually have to agree to some sort of autonomy, provided the Basque people repudiate terrorism, and the media gives them a fair shake. The Internet can only help in this regard.

  2. That's the idea Bill, to demonstrate that the Basque Country is ready and willing to work withing a peaceful frame towards its self determination, ETA's call to disarm would be a welcomed step forward.
