Sunday, September 25, 2005

Alderdi Eguna in Foronda

.... ... .

1 comment:

  1. Actually, more like breaking away from Spain and France.

    What advantages do I forsee?

    Euskal Herria is one of the richest regions in Europe, it is time the advantage of being so developed are reaped by the Basques only, not by a bunch of colonialist minded people that want to continue to profit of resources that belong to someone else.

    Plus, that way we will have the assurance that no one from Madrid nor Paris will try to ban our language, our culture, our ways.

    And well, being free is the dream of every single human being in this planet, why should the Basques continue to be what they do not want to be, why should they be divided by three borders when the rest of Europe is getting rid of other borders?

    And by the way, I am a Basque from Iparralde(*), I have nothing to do with the Spaniards.

    (*) Iparralde, the Northern Basque Country, what some people call the Pays Basque.
