Friday, November 04, 2005

Elkarri in Boise

Thanks to the newspaper The Idaho Statesman we learn about the visit by the head of Elkarri to a conference in Boise, something that was possible thanks to the tireless efforts by Pete Cenarrusa to open a window so the entire world can learn and understand the Basque struggle for self determination.
This is what the article by Dan Popkey called "Basque settlement with Spain may be near" indicates about Gorka Espiau's words:
Last year's election of Socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero opened the way to talks between the government and Basque nationalists, said Gorka Espiau, director of a moderate Basque group. "There's a window of opportunity for the peace process," said Espiau.
If the terrorist group ETA declares a cease fire, Spain is willing to negotiate, a prospect rejected by Zapatero's predecessor, Jose Maria Aznar.

Aznar considered Basque nationalists terrorists. His ambassador, Javier Ruperez, lobbied against a memorial in the Idaho Legislature in 2002 urging an end to violence and peace talks. Aznar shut down newspapers and a political party and falsely accused ETA of carrying out the March 2004 Madrid train bombings.
The horror of the bombing has moderated ETA, Espiau said. "It had an impact on public opinion in the Basque country. It wasn't ETA, but it could have been. And people don't want that.
"The major Basque nationalist party now says it wants to be associated with Spain, a position short of independence, said Espiau. "All the political actors accept that we need to sit down at the table in a context of non-violence."

If a cease-fire comes, backing from 20,000 Basques in Idaho will be vital, Espiau said. "We need help to support dialogue," he said.
Once again it is demonstrated that the Basques want peace as much as they want self determination.
If only all the actors in this drama had the same proclivity towards peace and dialogue.
*You can also read the entire article at Artxiboak.

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