Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Have-Nots and Sold Outs

Just a few minutes ago Times on Line published an article called "Breakaway plan tests leadership". It talks about the histerical reactions by the more backwards sectors in Spain in the aftermath of the approval by the Catalonian Congress of a new statut, one that among other things asks for Catalunya to be called a nation, which is what it is, just like Euskal Herria.
The article goes over the same all path, Zapatero is in trouble they say.
Nothing new here.
Until you read a couple of opinions, here you have them:
But there are signs of splits in the Spanish Socialist party. Juan Carlos Rodríguez Ibarra, the Socialist president of Extremadura, one of Spain’s poorest areas, said that the plan would create a Spain of “haves and have-nots”.
Josep Ferrer, honorary president of Freixenet, Spain’s largest cava producer, said: “We are worried about the impact of the present political situation on sales.”
Rodriguez Ibarra echoes the reason why most Spaniards are opposed to the eventual independence for Catalunya and Euskal Herria. The two occupied nations are the back bone of the Spanish economy, period. Once they are gone their own way, the rest of One and Catholic Spain will have to deal with a completely different scenery.
If suddenly they are not as rich, well, too bad.
Now, at least Rodriguez Ibarra speaks out for the Spaniards, but how about the cowardly Ferrer?
I mean, he is afraid of how is the new statut going to impact his sales?
I think someone has to remind that Catalonian that it is better to be a mouse's head than a lion's tail.
Or in the word of Spartacus, I rather die on my feet than having to live on my knees.
But the best part about this article has to be the little map showing the three "regions" it speaks of, here it is:

I do not know if I should be happy because for the first time the international press shows Nafarroa as what it is, the Basque Country, or mad, because they forgot to include Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa.

You can read the entire article at Times on Line and at Artxiboak.

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