Thursday, March 09, 2006

Demonstration in Donostia

Hundreds of Basque radical protesters demonstrate in San Sebastian March 9, 2006. Batasuna, a separatist party outlawed for its links to ETA, called for a regional general strike to protest against the Basque government's ban on people publicly paying tribute to two ETA members who died in jail last week. The banner reads 'No to dispersion of Basque prisoners. Basque people must take to the streets.' REUTERS/Pablo Sanchez

Maybe some needs to tell Pablo Sanchez that to this date, Madrid has been unable to prove any links between Batasuna and ETA, or between ETA and any other Basque group accused of belonging to the so called entorno for that matter.
Other little details you can observe in this lazy piece of photojournalism:
a) It was thousands of Basques, not hundreds of Basque radicals.
b) The demonstration was against the brutal practice known as "dispersión", a legal mongrel that applies only to Basque prisoners in which against Spain's own constitution, Basque political prisoners are incarcerated as far away from Euskal Herria as possible, a repressive measure that punishes the families and friends of those in jail.
Jeez, just about anyone can be a reporter in Spain, is obvious that Pablo Sanchez keeps a picture of the Generalísimo Francisco Franco in his wallet, right next to the nice euro-pesetas that someone in the Partido Popular makes sure to put there.

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