Friday, June 25, 2004

Garzon, the Clown

Some people just don't get it...

A couple of groups joined efforts to honor Spanish Judge Baltasar Garzon, here is the link to the

Now, upon reading the document everything looks peachy huh?

Not so.

Sadly, what both this groups (
Joan B. Kroc for Peace and Justice and Survivors of Torture International) are actually doing is to present a false prophet with a platform were to spread his venom and lies.

You see, this character, Baltasar Garzon Real, who believe it or not is judge AND prosecutor in Spain is also a pivotal figure on the campaign of repression against both Basque and Catalan nationalists.

It is thanks to Judge Garzon that hundreds of Basques have been arrested, kept incommunicado, tortured and incarcerated without access to a fair and timely trial for the only "crime" of loving their homeland, their culture, their language, their freedoms.

Why is it that some misguided human rights activists admire this sinister individual Garzon to the point of calling him a "modern day hero"?

A few years ago he pulled a pretty impressive PR stunt, he offered to prosecute Chilean former dictator Augusto Pinochet. He did not mean to, he knew he couldn't, but that simple bluff bought him the adoration of those around the world that still remember the crimes committed by this thug Pinochet.

That event was widely publicized, almost as most as one that actually moved people to laugh, and that is his offer to prosecute Osama Bin Laden and his request to the USA government to hand him over if and when captured. After that one people knew that the Judge was too full of him self for his own good.

The one that went unknown was the one about indicting former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger for alleged crimes against humankind in Latin America, for those who know, it was Kissinger who eased the way for Pinochet to raise to power in Chile.

So, what we have here is a failure to convince, why would a Spanish Judge be so bent on prosecuting a Chilean, a Saudi Arab and an American while at home he refuses to indict those members of the Francoist regime still alive for their crimes against humankind?

Why is he so lax against those within the PSOE who funded and deployed the GAL, a paramilitary group that abducted, tortured and murdered dozens of Basque and French citizens?

What is going to take for Judge Garzon to lend an ear to the demands of Basque and Catalonian political prisoners and their families that have lodged over 200 torture complaints?

Judge Garzon is a fake, an evil little excuse of a man with a huge ego, it is a shame that organizations that are supposed to be working towards peace and justice and against torture decide to honor him.

The Gala is taking place tomorrow, Saturday 26th, if you feel it in your heart, contact this two associations and express your concern, thanks.

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