Friday, June 18, 2004

Good News, Bad News

Being Basque, good news and bad news.

The good news:

A federal judge in Argentina refused the extradition of Basque political refugee Josu Lariz Iriondo who over a year ago was abducted from Uruguay after the Uruguayan justice had refused the extradition not once, but twice. The verdict indicates that prima Donna Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon had manipulated information during the extradition process and that there was well founded fears that the Josu Lariz Iriondo would be tortured and thrown into the legal limbo in which most of the Basque political prisoners are today.

Now, most countries that suscribe to extradition treaties establish that no political refugee should be returned to a country were it can face discrimination and mistreatment, even death. Hopefully they will remember that in Mexico were today six Basque refugees face and extradition process plagued by the globally known Mexican level of corruption among government and justice representatives, a corruption that plays well into the hands of corrupt judges like Baltasar Garzon.

The bad news:

The Irish, yup, you read it right, the Irish who occupy the presidency of the European Union today, have rejected the petition by the Spanish government and the Basque people for Euskara to be an official language of the European Union along with Catalan and Galizan.

Yes, from all people, the Irish stab the Basques in the back, their staunchest allies during their trials and tribulations for independence from England and for an unified Ireland.

That comes to show that once they are on the other side of the fence, some people forget about the friends that they had before and that are still struggling to achieve their dreams. Shame on them!

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