Saturday, January 31, 2004


Ok, lets start by posting the links to a few organizations working within Euskal Herria towards peace and democracy, the first one I want to point out is Behatokia, they are a group that is trying to bring attention upon the violations of civil and human rights in Euskal Herria. As usual the link to the site has been embedded on the list to the left of this page.

Here is the link to their site and how do they describe themselves:

Behatokia: Basque Observatory of Human Rights is an initiative launched by several Basque organizations in defense of the Human Rights. BEHATOKIA driving forces are: TAT (Group Against Torture), ETXERAT (Association of Relatives of the Politically Repressed), ESKUBIDEAK (Basque Solicitors Association) and GURASOAK (Association of Parents of Young Victims of the Repression).

The objective of these groups when launching BEHATOKIA, was to start up a center of intercommunication with international bodies, non-governmental organizations and groups who work in the defense of Human Rights in order to reveal the violation these rights both, generally and specifically.

Additionally, BEHATOKIA will work before courts and international tribunals interposing imputations where fundamental rights have been violated and confronting the pertinent Spanish and French institutions who have not corrected such situations. On top of it, a substantial part of BEHATOKIA's work will be based on the spreading of information regarding the violations of fundamental rights by the institutions.

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