Thursday, February 05, 2004

Berria's New Feature

Maybe tomorrow I can tell you a little more about what is going down in Mexico, how a foreign judge is stomping all over the soverignty and the constitution of an independent country.

But first I want to show you a nifty new feature at Berria, this is how it works, you can go to Berria English and click on a given article's title, that will take you to the article and at the bottom you will find three options: "Printable Version", "Email to a Friend" and the best of them "Basque Version" which when you click on it will take you to the article on its original Euskara (Basque) version. Here I leave you with an example.

First in English:

Difficulties reported in defending Basque prisoners in Mexico

Their lawyers, Jone Goirizelaia and Joseba Agudo, have denounced that fact that since July the summary proceedings of the six Basque citizens in custody are under a sub judice rule, in accordance with the request of Judge Baltasar Garzon

Jon Eugi – DONOSTIA (San Sebastian)
In a press conference held in Donostia yesterday Joseba Agudo and Jone Goirizelaia, the Basque Country lawyers representing the six Basque citizens in custody in Mexico, denounced the “tremendous difficulties” they were experiencing in defending their clients’ rights in this case. At the request of Baltasar Garzon, the Spanish National Criminal Court judge, Jon Artola, Axun Gorrotxategi, Felix Garcia, Ernesto Alberdi, Asier Arronategi and Ernesto Urkijo were detained in July of last year and Spain has applied for them to be extradited. Agudo and Goirizelaia, who are working in collaboration with Barbara Zamora, the detainees’ Mexican lawyer, have complained about the “lack of information” in the process. They said that they had in fact gleaned what little they know from some documents sent to Mexico by the Spanish National Criminal Court.

And in Euskara:

Mexikoko euskal presoen defentsa egiteko zailtasunak salatu dituzte

Uztailetik Baltasar Garzonen eskariz atxilotuta dauden sei euskal herritarren sumarioa sekretua dela salatu dute Jone Goirizelaia eta Joseba Aguado abokatuek

jon eugi - DONOSTIA

Mexikon atxiloturik dauden sei euskal herritarren Euskal Herriko abokatuek, Joseba Agudo eta Jone Goirizelaiak, auzi honetan beren bezeroen eskubideak defenditzeko «zailtasun izugarriak» dituztela salatu zuten atzo Donostian emandako prentsaurrekoan. Baltasar Garzon Espainiako Auzitegi Nazionaleko epailearen eskariz, iazko uztailean atxilotu zituzten Jon Artola, Axun Gorrotxategi, Felix Garcia, Ernesto Alberdi, Asier Arronategi eta Ernesto Urkijo, eta haiek estraditatzeko eskaria egina dauka Espainiak. Haien Mexikoko abokatu Barbara Zamorarekin elkarlanean diharduten Agudo eta Goirizelaia prozeduraz duten «informazio faltaz» kexu agertu ziren. Izan ere, adierazi zutenez, dakiten apurra Espainiako Auzitegi Nazionalak Mexikora bidali dituen dokumentu batzuengatik dakite.

Nifty huh?

.... ... .

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