Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Ibarretxe and the UN

Here you have a couple of notes about Ibarretxe's request for the UN to get involved in the Basque peace process.

First, the one from EITb:

Ibarretxe asks for UNO help consolidate peace in Euskadi

Ibarretxe has said Wednesday that in Euskadi there exists a scenario "full of hopes" that believes in a peace won through political agreements. "If you want peace, prepare peace," he has pointed out, to affirm later that is what Basques are doing.

"Here, we are preparing peace. But we don't want peace only for us; we want peace for the world. That is why what we are doing now, but we want to offer to the United Nations, to the world, is peace in Euskadi as a step towards peace in the world," he has added.

That is why he has stated that Euskadi "needs the help of the UNO, of all those who want to help." "We want to offer peace in Euskadi to the world, and we also need the help of the United Nations to build peace, to reach political agreements here in Euskadi," he has assured.

The Basque premier made these statements at the inauguration of the conferences entitled "The reform of the United Nations," organised by the International Studies Department of the University of the Basque Country and Unesco-Etxea at the Euskalduna Congress Centre in Bilbao.

And now, the one from the Agenzia Giornalistica Europa:

The UN: Reform, Premier Basque asks to participate

(AGE) MADRID - Premier Basque Juan Jose Ibarretxe has today asked "the active participation with institutional rank" for the Basque Country and of other "nations without state" to the UN in the picture of the reform it turns to render the action of the international organization more just and effective. In a pronounced speech to a symposium on the "Reform of the United Nations" organized under the auspices of the Unesco to Bilbao, Ibarretxe, cited from Efe agency, it has asserted that a new founded world-wide order is being constructed on the power and the states without to respect the human rights "characterizes them and collectives". And it has emphasized that the states are necessary "but not sufficient" for a corrected operation of the UN. According to Ibarretxe the Basque Country, like others in the world, "is one the largest nation, with one culture, one language and one presence millenarian in the world, and we have things important to give ". To begin, it has explained from the peace in the region that is wanted "to be offered ahead to the world like a step towards the peace in the world". (AGE)

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