Sunday, May 07, 2006

Reporters Getting a Backbone?

For several years now the group known as Reporters Without Borders have been acting as an ally of the fascist governments of Madrid.

They had never ever reported on a timely manner any of the attacks by the Francoist vermin against the Basque news outlets. As a prime example we have their two year delay on the Egunkaria issue.

RWB conveniently forgets that there is several Basque reporters in jail, and that a number of them were victims of torture during the Egunkaria fiasco.

So, what RWB does is that each year it names Spain as a place without press freedom because of... ETA.

Yes, indeed, you read that right, RWB does not care about Basque news outlets being outlawed by a government that never once tried to bring closure to the whole Franco regime thing, mainly because many former Francoist ministers are today part of the Partido Popular.

Now, for some reason, RWB wants to ride the wave created by ETA's call for peace, lets see how long it lasts:

Spain / 7 May 2006

ETA suspended from list of press freedom predators

Reporters Without Borders has withdrawn the Basque separatist group ETA from the list of press freedom predators it issued on 3 May.

This decision in no way means we are turning the page on ETA’s many acts of violence against journalists and news media. Its use of murders, threats and blackmail has unquestionably made it an enemy of the press. By dropping ETA from the list, we are simply taking note of the respite of the past few months and the unprecedented undertakings it has given to renounce all violence. And we wanted to encourage these expressions of goodwill.

We may have acted too quickly and imprudently, especially if one accepts the views of many of our colleagues in the Spanish media. Therefore, although this list is anyway meant to be constantly modified and updated, we have resolved to look at this question again in the coming days. We hope the future will prove the pessimists are wrong.

Fernando Castillo, President of Reporters Without Borders International

Robert Ménard, Secretary-General of Reporters Without Borders

Fernando Castillo, is he Spaniard?

Because if he is Spaniard, this is not going to last.

.... ... .

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