Seems like the PP has a magnificent guard dog in Attorney General Candido Conde-Pumpido.
Despite the extensive investigation prior to the elections in which it was stablished that EHAK has no links to Batasuna, the Attorney General now says that he will screen those who acted as scrutineers for EHAK at the voting locations.
The sad thing is, the European Union turns its back on this less than candid demonstration of totalitarism by the most reactionary elements in Madrid.
Armed with their Ley de Partidos they deprived thousands of people of a political option, it is just natural that these voiceless Basques would look for another party that they feel represents them. Last time it was the PNV for some of them, this time it was EHAK for the majority of them.
Madrid can not go on stiffling the political options of the Basque society, because it is only through politics that a negotiated and peaceful solution to the conflict can be found. If this crazy atmosphere of political apartheid continues, Madrid will be in fact denying the option to vote and be voted to a lot of individual in the Basque Country.
To elect those who will represent you is both a right and a duty as a citizen, to take that away from people is a flagrant violation of human rights and civil liberties.
This is taking place in Europe from all places, boy, they have to wake up and smell the coffee, pronto.
Here is the note by Berria, Conde-Pumpido is acting on a report from the Guardia Civil, Spain's repressive para-military police force, here is a paragraph that will amuse you:
Despite the extensive investigation prior to the elections in which it was stablished that EHAK has no links to Batasuna, the Attorney General now says that he will screen those who acted as scrutineers for EHAK at the voting locations.
The sad thing is, the European Union turns its back on this less than candid demonstration of totalitarism by the most reactionary elements in Madrid.
Armed with their Ley de Partidos they deprived thousands of people of a political option, it is just natural that these voiceless Basques would look for another party that they feel represents them. Last time it was the PNV for some of them, this time it was EHAK for the majority of them.
Madrid can not go on stiffling the political options of the Basque society, because it is only through politics that a negotiated and peaceful solution to the conflict can be found. If this crazy atmosphere of political apartheid continues, Madrid will be in fact denying the option to vote and be voted to a lot of individual in the Basque Country.
To elect those who will represent you is both a right and a duty as a citizen, to take that away from people is a flagrant violation of human rights and civil liberties.
This is taking place in Europe from all places, boy, they have to wake up and smell the coffee, pronto.
Here is the note by Berria, Conde-Pumpido is acting on a report from the Guardia Civil, Spain's repressive para-military police force, here is a paragraph that will amuse you:
Conde-Pumpido’s investigations have led him to take the matter up with the offices of the Public Prosecutors of Araba, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Navarre, so that they in turn can approach the Electoral Commissions to obtain the lists of the people who acted as scrutineers in recent elections. “We do know that there have been a number of isolated coincidences, because they have been detected by the Security Forces of the State.” But he pointed out that all the data needed to be gathered to conduct a “thorough” investigation.The stench of Aznar is not gone.
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