Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jewish Blogger Supports Hitler's King

There is a Jewish blogger by the name of Joe Gandelman who did everything he could to win the "Basque-phobe of the week" award some months ago.

This week him and his underlings have been posting about how McCain (the Republican candidate to the US presidency) dislikes Zapatero.

Thanks to the tag Spain at the bottom of one of his posts I was able to find one from last November in which Joe Gandelman has nothing but accolades and compliments for Juan Carlos Borbon, the king of Spain.

Admiring a power figure that belongs in the middle ages is bad enough, but to admire an individual that rose to power thanks to the meddling of two of Europe's worst dictators is too much.

How did this happen?


Back in 1936 a military coup d'etat against Spain's democratically elected government was staged by an dimwit little man called Francisco Franco. The rebellion was bound to fail until Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini decided to support Franco and his followers. Thanks to an air bridge set in place by Hitler's Luftwaffe Franco's troops were able to leave Africa. With the military aid provided by the two fascist powers Franco was able to win a long and devastating war. He then proceeded to rule Spain with an iron fist, unleashing a genocidal campaign against everyone who opposed him. After the death of Admiral Carrero Blanco at the hands of Basque freedom fighters his only other option to perpetuate his government was to impose the figure of the king to the Spaniards in the person of Juan Carlos Borbon.

So, if it hasn't been for Hitler's support Franco would have failed in his military uprising, and if it hasn't been for Franco's decision to name him king, Juan Carlos could have never been back to Spain's throne. So in all reality, Borbon has to thank Hitler for the life of luxury and unchecked power he and his family enjoy today.

This is what Joe Gandelman (a Jewish that supports the Zionist occupation of Palestine) thinks of Juan Carlos (a man who is king thanks to Hitler) and how he came to power :

When I lived in and wrote from Spain between May 1975 and December 1978, I had the supreme pleasure of a lifetime, to live in a wonderful country that, before my astounded journalistic eyes, made a peaceful “evolution without revolution” transition to democracy from the dictatorship of General Francisco Franco.

And most Spaniards agreed there was one seemingly-quiet and above-the-fray man who had the guts to help make it happen — perhaps more than anyone else.

Evolution without revolution? More like a pact of complicity and silence to ensure that non of the high profile members of Franco's regime would ever be prosecuted for their crimes against humankind.

Joe Gandelman's intellect is so limited that he thinks that there can be democracy where there is a king. When a country is ruled by an individual who is above the law that applies for the rest of the citizens there can never be a democracy, it is called a monarchy.

The guts? Borbon had Spain's armed forces backing him up, who needs guts?

To this day, he still doesn’t get the credit that so many Spanish journalists and foreign diplomats (who would talk about it privately from 1975-1978) gave him. He navigated his country, and what some felt was a reluctant and potentially resistant military, through the dangers of shifting a nation and its establishment towards democratic elections and to until-then-taboo more relaxed social values.

Spanish journalists and foreign diplomats worked together on a propaganda campaign to sanitize Franco's regime, which included to clean up Juan Carlos Borbon's act. After the war and despite having provided Hitler with his limited support (Spain's military was not up to task) during the war, Francisco Franco became an important ally for the USA in its "cold war" against the USSR. So the US based news agencies were quick to implement a campaign to divest Francisco Franco of its unholly alliance with the Axis and make him look like a palladin of capitalism against the communist threat. And that is exactly what Joe Gandelman is doing today, to continue to convince people that Franco was not than bad after all.

The military obeyed Franco, the military knew there was a reason for Franco to name Borbon his succeso, Borbon was educated in military intitutions, the military knew some steps had to be taken to release some pressure, the military was part of the plan to "transform" Spain into a democracy, the military knew that there can not be true democracy when the figure of a king is imposed to a society by you guessed it, the military.

I hope you are ready for this:

And the bottom line is that King Juan Carlos, handpicked by Franco (who was widely believed to have thought KJC would be pliable to the kind of establishment he had in place when he was living) risked it all. He stood at the middle of an incredibly-dramatic and dangerous period of democratic evolution and never blinked in the face of rightist and leftist resistance (sometimes manifesting itself in sporadic violent acts).

Franco took Juan Carlos (notice who Gandelman insists of capitalizing the word king being that he is the citizen of a republic one would expect less submission to such an anachronistic figure).

Rightist resistance? He represented and represents the right! Who else can represent the right more than a king educated in military institutions?

Now check this one out:

When I was there everyone knew that the easiest way to halt the democratic evolution would have been for someone to rub “El Rey” out.

But the King was a toughie. He persisted, and democratic Spain had a man on the inside who could have resisted the change but instead quietly did what he could do to encourage and consolidate it.

Gandelman is tip-toeing around the fake coup d'etat staged by Borbon's closest friends, the one that people like him hail as the pivotal moment in which Borbon "proved" his unflenching compromise with democracy.

Maybe Gandelman could care to explain to us how is it that non of those who took part in the "coup d'etat" against Borbon was sentenced to the firing squad. Another compromise to advance towards peace and transition leaving behind "the hatred that divided the nation"? More like a covert operation to remind the Spaniards that Borbon could summon the military at any time he pleased, a stark reminder for every one to stay put and keep quiet, like in Franco's times.

The post continues with Gandelman's "moderate" view about the consequences of having an authoritarian ruler like Borbon ordering an elected Latin American president to shut up, until he says this:

But Juan Carlos KNOWS what REAL fascists were like.

Of course, he is one.

Did you know that Juan Carlos Borbon was the "de facto" ruler of Spain even before Franco's death?

Did you know that he co-signed many of Franco's death sentences against those prosecuted for opposing Franco's regime?

Note: I do not link back to Joe Gandelman for one simple reasons, he does not allow my comments at this blog, so this is the way I excerzise my right to reply.

.... ... .

1 comment:

  1. Alesku:
    I come to a different conclusion about the Spanish civil war. Franco was going to win it or the very least Spain would've been divided in 2 like Germany after WW II.

    Franco for all of his defects had the advantage of the unity of command. The 2nd Republic fought among themselves. Anarchists vs Communists; Communist and Anarchists vs the Catholics; Catholics vs the traditionalists and the left, etc, etc.

    I'm reading through different historical books from the Catalan perspective and one of the salient things that stands out is how even the ostensibly progressive Castilian left viewed the Catalans with disdain and impeded expressions of Catalan nationalism and interfered with the Catalan defense of the republic.
    I'm going to read in the near future about the Num 1 Regiment del Pirenecs- a relatively well trained Caalan military unit that was viewed with suspicious if not hostility by the Castilian Defense ministry as well as the various armed faction on the left.

    The more I read about the Spanish Civil war, the more I'm concluding that the Republic wasn't worth defending but what replaced it was even more catastrophic

