Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Barcepundit BS

You know, I'm going to start a whole new section at this blog called the Barcepundit BS.

It is amazing to see how many detractors of the simple concept of self determination are out there, and how they manage to come together and pat themselves in the back.

The Trasatlantic Intelligencer wrote a piece about ethnic nationalism and at the very end he plain out says that Basque nationalism is a form of racism, like if all other nationalisms were not firmly anchored in concepts that could be deemed as racism.

This idea of One Spain is not exactly a "new agey, we are all the same, take this flower" concept, it is actually an arrogant display of imperialism, and what fuels imperialism? The thought that you are superior to the people you conquered. If you think you are superior to the people you conquer, then you are a racist, as simple as that.

What is happening here is that some individuals are looking for ways to blame the victim for the sins of the attacker, they transpond what moved the attacker into depriving the victim of its rights and make the victim the carrier of those sins, that way somehow these individuals are at peace with themselves, it is called the rapist strategy.

She was weaing a miniskirt, a red miniskirt, that is why I raped her.

So now, the Basques are accused of being racists for doing what many other nations have done in the past and are doing today; preserve their cultural identity, their language, their expressions as a people.

Twisted logic, but sadly, there is those who actually think its right.

.... ... .

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