Sunday, January 02, 2005

Spaniards Should Decide, Sure Why Not

I encounter that line of thought time and again among some members of the international community.

They seem to believe that the independence of an occupied nation should be left to decide to the citizens of the occupying nation.

Try to picture that back in the age of the great wars of independence in America (and that is America the Continent, Dean, don't get a coronary over this one).

Just try to imagine demanding that the independence of the USA should had been left to be decided by the English people in England, or the independence of Colombia to the Spaniards in Spain, or the independence of Brazil to the Portuguese in Portugal, or the independence of Haiti to the French in France.

That concept expressed so matter-of-factly by some can not be more idiotic.

It is that line of thought that led Slobodan Milosevic to unleash the war in Croatia and the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and Kosovo.

The self determination and the possibility of independence belongs only to the people that conforms the nation without statehood, it is enshrined by the UN Charter, that is how Israel got statehood back then.

.... ... .

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