Friday, January 21, 2005


Seems like the king Juan Carlos and his partner Mariano Rajoy along with the entire PP will have to think twice before sending tanks into Euskal Herria to prevent a referendum.

Just chek out these words:

“All those who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know: the United States will not ignore your oppression, or excuse your oppressors. When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you,” he said.

You know who said that?

Yes indeed, the man that leads the most powerful military force in the world, the man who just inaugurated his second term as president of the USA, Mr. George W. Bush.

So maybe Zapatero should reconsider the wise words by the Lehendakari to reconsider giving the Ibarretxe Plan a green light.

Here is the note at Berria:

Ibarretxe urges Zapatero to pluck up “courage” to negotiate Plan

Lehendakari Ibarretxe said the New Statute Proposal for the Basque Autonomous Community supplanted the two political extremes by “the mainstream of society”, and stressed that the solution was to move the process forward to negotiate the Proposal

Editorial Staff – DONOSTIA (San Sebastian)

Juan Jose Ibarretxe, the Lehendakari (president) of the BAC-Basque Autonomous Community, yesterday urged the Spanish Prime Minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez-Zapatero, to pluck up “courage” to start a process of negotiation on the Proposal for a New Statute. Ibarretxe felt that the Proposal’s strongest point was that it represented the mainstream of society “between two political extremes: that of rejection represented by the PP and the PSOE, and that of Batasuna”.

In an interview given on the second channel of the ETB (the Basque Autonomous Community TV network) last night, Lehendakari Ibarretxe continually pointed out that the Proposal for a New Statute enjoyed a completely central position in the current political climate. Ibarretxe highlighted the fact that the Proposal presented by the BAC Government had sparked off a number of developments over the past week, like the letter Batasuna sent to Zapatero, the Spanish Government’s response or ETA’s latest communiqué. In Ibarretxe’s view, political movements of this nature do not materialise overnight. “All this is the consequence of the process that has been going on over the last four or five years,” he explained, and linked it with the proposal drawn up by the BAC Government.

When asked about whether there had been any “work behind the scenes” between Batasuna and the PSOE to resolve the [Basque] political conflict, the Lehendakari of the BAC said he would like this to be the case, but added that he was “not keen to raise hopes which could later be dashed”.

.... ... .


  1. Troy,

    I think you have something real good going at your blog.

    As you can see, politics is my topic of preference, but I greatly appreciate the arts, they are the expression of our soul and our inventiveness.

  2. Lol, tanks in Euzkadi? No shit. Neither the PP nor the king have the power nowadays to do something like that. Thanks to the backstab SA gave to the PNV approving the plan, it will be bounced back to the Basque Parliament as soon as it gets voted in the Spanish Congress, forcing the PNV to remake it again if they want to send it back for approval to the Congress.

    Anyways, if the USA ever sent their troops to 'free' the smallest village of Spain I would join the 'freedom fighters' (now labeled as terrorists by the US) as I don't find fair the way the USA gets involved in foreign affairs. A town's liberty must be fought by the citizens who want it and avoiding the use of violence as much as possible, not by foreign invading forces.

  3. When I read those two pieces I couldn't help but to make fun in a sarcastic way of the vow by Bush to "liberate the opressed".

    Tanks, he he he...
