Thursday, January 06, 2005


By the way, just to add a little more info to this issue of Basque nationalism being racist.

Do you know what that word in the title means?

That is the way a Basque calls himself, just like a German calls himself Deutsch, Basques call themselves Euskaldunak.

Do you know what that means?

Here is the composites to the word:

Euskal - from Euskara, the Basque language.

Dun - suffix which indicates possesion.

Since Basque is an aglutinating language, instead of Euskaradun, you get Euskaldun, ask a linguist how that is called, I forgot, something to do with phonemas.

So, literally it would translate into "one that owns the Basque language".

Meaning, "Basque speaker".

And what about the clickity clacky "ak"?


Ak - suffix which expresses the plural of the definite article.

So, when you add it to the word Euskaldun, you get Euskaldunak, "Basque speakers".

And so, Euskal Herria means "Land of the Basque speakers".

How about that for "ethnic" racism.

.... ... .

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